Emergency Response Training Beyond Your ERT

Everyone plays a role during an emergency. Effective emergency response plan activation is possible through the right people with the right training.

Emergency response training at ASEC

ASEC 3-6-6 Framework

One Framework To Guide Your Decisions In Emergency Management

Understand the requirement for sufficient emergency response preparedness specific to your workplace.

  1. Integrated Response System
    Emergency response plans and manuals that cover all possible emergency situations in the workplace.
  2. People
    Competency and job performance requirement of the people carrying out the emergency response plans.
  3. Facilities & Equipment
    Acquisition and maintenance of facilities and equipment crucial in emergency response plan activation.
  1. Staff Response Plan & Evacuation
    For all staff, tenants, and contractors to recognize, avoid, isolate, and notify when an emergency happens.
  2. Technical Team Response Plan
    For first responders appointed in each department or section to perform initial damage control.
  3. ERT Activation Plan
    For ERT members to handle small scale incidents without involving emergency services.
  4. Incident Action Plan
    For ERT leaders to work with emergency services to handle large scale incidents.
  5. Crisis Management Plan
    For Incident Commander and Crisis Management Team to handle complex emergency dynamics involving external parties.
  6. Business Continuity Plan
    For company management team to restore business operation and norm.
  1. All staff, tenants & contractors
    To carry out staff response plan and evacuation through technical training.
  2. First responders
    To carry out technical team response plan through technical training.
  3. ERT (emergency response team) members
    To carry out ERT activation plan through technical training.
  4. ERT leaders
    To carry out incident action plan through technical and tactical training.
  5. Incident Commanders & Crisis Management Team
    To carry out crisis management plan through tactical training.
  6. Company Management Team
    To carry out business continuity plan.

List Of Training
By Levels Of Competent Responders

According to their job performance requirements (JPRs).

All Staff, Tenants & Contractors

Recognize, avoid, isolate, and notify when an emergency happens.

ERT Leaders & On Scene Commanders

Work with emergency services to handle large scale incidents.

Incident Commanders & Crisis Management Team

Handle complex emergency dynamics involving external parties.

List Of Training
To Support Workplace Emergency Response Preparedness

For organizations with large scale operation.

Emergency Response Plan - Plan Director (ERP-PD) Development Program

Validate, challenge, and prove your emergency response plan before an incident does it for you.

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First Aid Instructor Development Program (IDP)

Conduct your own in-house first aid training by becoming a certified first aid instructor.

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List Of Training
By Divisions

According to workplace risk assessments and needs.

First Aid

Ensure the survival of the injured or sick until the arrival of healthcare personnel.

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Training Duration Level Of Competent Responders
Basic Occupational First Aid, CPR & AED 2 days First Responders
Advanced Industrial First Aid, CPR & AED 4 days ERT Members
First Aid Team Leader Program 3 days ERT Leaders
First Aid Instructor Development Program 3 months -

Hazmat Response

Ensure the hazmat spillage is managed until the arrival of professional help.

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Training Duration Level Of Competent Responders
Basic Chemical Spillage & Leakage Control 2 days First Responders
Hazardous Material Technician 5 days ERT Members
Hazmat Team Leader 3 days ERT Leaders

Emergency Response

Ensure that everyone can recognize an emergency and be safely evacuated.

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Training Duration Level Of Competent Responders
Workplace Emergency Response Plan 2 days All Tenants
Emergency Response Plan & Preparedness 1 day All Staff & Contractors
Emergency Response Combined Drill 2 days All Staff & Contractors
On Scene Commander Development Program (OSCDP) 3 days ERT Leaders
Incident Commander & Crisis Management Team (ICCMT) Development Program 3 days Incident Commanders & Crisis Management Team
Emergency Response Plan - Plan Director (ERPPD) Development Program 3 days -


Ensure the fire can be contained until the arrival of professional help.

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Training Duration Level Of Competent Responders
Basic Occupational Firefighting 2 days First Responders
Advanced Industrial Firefighting 4 days ERT Members
Firefighting Team Leader 3 days ERT Leaders
Confined space rescue training at ASEC

Every individual plays a role during an emergency

One single action can make a big difference. Equip your employees with necessary knowledge and skills today.

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