Globally certified. Locally accessible.
Workplace Emergency Response Plan Training
Comply with OSHA 2022 Amendment In Emergency Response Planning. Tailored for tenants. HRD Corp claimable.

Trainings designed by ASEC trainers certified in

Incident Command System at the Emergency Management Institute, FEMA, US

Master’s of Emergency Response & Planning at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)
ASEC is designated as

TOP 20 HRDF Training Provider with 5 stars excellence in delivery in 2017
Emergency response plan training modules tailored for SMEs & Building Tenants
Emergency response plan public class at ASEC.

- Contingency Planning for workplace, society and country
- Identification of possible emergencies in workplace
- Staff incident initial action
- Activation of PIC and Emergency Response Team
- Roles of Floor Warden and Evacuation Controller
- ERT chart for SMEs and building tenants
- Incident Command System (ICS)
- Building fire protection system
- Fire Service Act requirement on workplace evacuation
- Evacuation procedure and control
- Evacuation zoning
- Escape route planning
- Assembly point designating
- Evacuation communication & major hazard identification
- D.O.S.E Technique
- Method of self rescue
- Risk assessment & safety precaution
- Firefighting refresher training
- Fire emergency
- Accident and injuries
- Other major local emergencies
- Injuries or medical emergencies
- Small fire or chemical spill emergencies
- Event leading to evacuation
Hundreds Of Emergency Response Plan Training Conducted
For organizations that value employees’ preparedness in evacuation and emergency response during an incident.

Emergency response training can make a difference in workplace
Ensure that everyone can respond to an incident with the right approach and be safely evacuated.

Motivating & inspiring
Confidence is crucial in identifying hazards and responding to an incident.

Engaging & realistic
Actionable skills are taught through theories, practical, and mock drills.

Professional trainers
ASEC’s trainers are qualified and continuously improved to deliver effective training.

Tailored curriculum
There is no one-size-fit-all. Curriculum is tailored for SMEs & building tenants.