Globally certified. Locally accessible.

Occupational Hazardous Material Response training

Strengthen the competency of your staff in dealing with chemical or hazardous material spillage and leakage in the workplace. HRD Corp claimable.

Industrial Hazmat Response Training at ASEC

Trainings designed in accordance to

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines of the United States

Trainings designed by trainers certified by

National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)

ASEC is designated as

TOP 20 HRDF Training Provider with 5 stars excellence in delivery in 2017

Hazmat response training for all levels of competent responders

Every level plays a part in ensuring your organization’s needs in firefighting are covered.

Hazmat operation

2-4 hours ║ No assessment

Topics are fully customizable based on the audience.

2 days ║ Theoretical assessment ║ Certificate of Competency

This training equips hazmat responders with actionable skills and confidence to act with the right approach to contain chemical spillage and leakage until professional help arrives.


Completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Be able to handle release and spillage of hazardous material.
  • Identify a hazardous material.
  • Take safety actions during an incident.
  • Identify the difference type of Chemical Spillage Suit (CPS).
  • Understand the important of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Perform the usage of Self-Contain Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).
  • Understand to identify the spillage by using Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG).
  • Establish and activate the Chemical Spillage Control Team.
  • Understand the role and responsibilities every team.

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5 days ║ Theoretical & practical assessments ║ Certificate of Competency

This training equips hazmat responders with in depth specialized skills to deal with chemical spillage and leakage incidents at industrial settings with teamwork.


Completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Hazardous Material Technician training is more comprehensive and specialized, designed for individuals who will respond to larger and more complex hazardous material incidents.
  • The training encompasses advanced techniques and procedures for identifying, containing, and mitigating hazardous material releases which will follow through a response model of A.P.I.E (Analyze, Plan, Implement, Evaluate).
  • Hazardous Material Technicians are trained to assess the situation, establish control zones, select and use specialized equipment according to the nature of chemical hazard, and implement appropriate decontamination procedures based on the information they attained.


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3 days ║ Theoretical & practical assessments ║ Certificate of Competency

This training equips emergency response team leaders with leadership skills to lead the Hazmat ERT through Eight Phase Approach.


Completing the program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the element of effective leadership.
  • Understand the element to consider pre, during, and post HazMat incident.
  • Implement appropriate action based on the info gathering.
  • Understand the command and control procedure.
  • Demonstrate correct and suitable equipment to choose based on incident.
  • Understand the importance of member accountability in emergency response.
  • Demonstrate correct procedure of communication during an incident.
  • Understand the best and safest approach in responding to HazMat incidents.


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Hazmat response training conducted at your workplace

For organizations that value the employees’ preparedness in facing chemical spillage and leakage incidents.

sime darby

Hazmat response training can make a difference in workplace

Ensure the hazardous material spillage or leakage is managed immediately until the arrival of professional help.  

Motivating & inspiring

Confidence is crucial in volunteering to act during a hazardous material spillage or leakage incident.

Engaging & realistic

Actionable skills are taught through theories, practical, and mock drills.

Professional trainers

ASEC’s trainers are qualified and continuously improved to deliver effective training.

Tailored curriculum

There is no one-size-fit-all. Curriculum can be tailored for your industry and needs.

Professional hazardous material response trainers


Our training obtains an average of 4.9 stars out of 5 on Google Review.

Mr. Nur Syahril Izwan

Mr. Nur Syahril Izwan bin Rameli

International Trainer

Mr. Muhammad Zharif

Mr. Muhammad Zharif Akmal bin Md Zakki

International Trainer

Training Module Comparison of hazmat response training

Let us know if you have specific requirements or needs.

Training Modules Awareness Basic Technician
Introduction to hazardous materials Classes of hazardous materials Fully customizable based on your organization's needs
Hazardous materials chemistry
Hazmat equipment Hazmat personal protective equipment
Respiratory protection
Hazmat zones & facilities
Gas monitoring
Hazmat operation Recognization
A. P. I. E. process
Detection, monitoring & sampling -
Response objective development - Defensive Offensive
Incident management system (ICS) -
Decontamination - Usage of emergency facilities available Setting up decon facilities
Product control - Defensive (containment) Offensive
Demobilization & termination -
Scenario-based learning -
Major case response - -
Theoretical & practical assessments - Theoretical only
Hazmat response operation & technician training at ASEC

Hazmat response training conducted at your workplace

For organizations that value the employees’ preparedness in facing hazardous material spillage and leakage incidents.

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